The best way make deviled eggs turn out well is to follow two simple rules.
1. Don’t use eggs that are too fresh. It’s better to use eggs that are 7 to 10 days old.
2. Boil eggs correctly, using the directions in the “How to Make Deviled Eggs” section.
At the same time, mistakes happen in the kitchen. Below are our tips for fixing running deviled eggs, lumpy deviled eggs and overly salty deviled eggs.
How to Fix Runny Deviled Eggs
To avoid runny deviled eggs, mash egg yolks with a fork, instead of blending in a food processor or blender, which can breakdown the yolks too much. If you need a quick fix to runny deviled eggs, try adding more egg yolks.
How to Fix Lumpy Deviled Eggs
One drawback to mashing egg yolks with a fork is that the mixture can be a bit lumpy. If it’s too lumpy for your taste, a quick fix is to push the yolks through a fine-mesh sieve. You can also grate the egg yolks using the small holes of your grater to get a fine mixture from the start.
How to Fix Salty Deviled Eggs
Following a recipe can help you get the ratio of salt correct, but we all have different preferences. If you aren’t a huge fan of salt or need to avoid excess salt for health reasons, don’t add the full amount of salt called for at once. Instead add a portion of what’s called for, taste the mixture and decide if you need more. Tasting as you go along can help you avoid oversalting.
If you find yourself with deviled eggs that are too salty, try adding another flavor like sweet pickle relish. The sweet can help balance out the salty. Otherwise, try another flavorful ingredient, such as garlic, horseradish, wasabi, curry powder, or any other spice or fresh herb that you enjoy.