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How to Make Hard-Boiled Eggs

Updated March 31, 2021
Hard-boiled eggs fit seamlessly into any lifestyle. They're great as an on-the-go snack packed with protein, added to a salad or even served as an appetizer–here’s looking at you, deviled eggs! Mastering the art of the perfect hard-boiled eggs is a must.

Breakfast, lunch, dinner snack or app, hard-boiled eggs work all times of the day thanks to their versatility. Here are the details on everything you need to know about hard-boiled eggs before you make them.

Types of Eggs

When you go to the grocery store, you might be surprised by how many types of eggs you see. From brown to white, cage-free to omega-3 here’s what you need to know when purchasing eggs to hard-boil. Eggs also come in five sizes: small, medium, large, extra-large and jumbo. Typically, a large egg is the most common in everyday uses.

Brown: Brown eggs come from chickens, just like white eggs do. The difference is just in the coloring of the hen, with brown hens laying brown eggs and white hens laying white eggs (though there are rare exceptions).

Cage-free: Cage-free eggs refer to where the hens are kept. Cage-free usually indicates hens who have been living in an open barn setting (and not kept directly within a cage).

Omega-3: Omega-3 eggs refer to eggs that were laid by a hen who had been fed omega-3-enriched feed. Omega-3s are fatty acids that are good or important for some of your body’s functions.

You can use any of these egg varieties when hard-boiling your eggs.

Interesting Egg Facts

  • There’s an easy way to test if your eggs are still good enough to be hard-boiled, and all you need is a bowl of water. To test the eggs, place them in a bowl of water. If your eggs float, they are no longer fresh and should be discarded. If the eggs sink to the bottom, you can assume they’re fresh. Always look at packaging dates on cartons to be safe.
  • Besides just food, you can use eggs (primarily eggshells) for alternate uses, too! Eggshells are commonly used in gardens because as they decompose, they provide the soil with nutrients.
  • You’ve most likely seen a hardboiled egg yolk with slight grey or green discoloration. The egg is still edible! That grey-green color is from the sulfide in the yolk combining with the egg white. Simply put, it was overcooked and hard-boiled for too long.

Nutritional Value of Hard-Boiled Eggs

Eggs are the perfect combination of nutrition and versatility. Packed inside each tasty egg is a good supply of protein, vitamins and minerals. Although eggs contain some fat and cholesterol, they are low in sodium, and one large egg has only 80 calories.

How to Make Hardboiled Eggs

Scrambled, over-easy, poached or fried—there are countless ways to enjoy eggs. But none are quite so versatile as the hard-boiled version. Hard-boiled eggs are a fantastic snack on their own, not to mention that they're a crowd-pleasing appetizer. Here, Betty shows you how to hard-boil eggs in three simple steps.

What you’ll need:

  • Eggs
  • 2-quart saucepan
  • Water

How to:

1. In a 2-quart saucepan, place the eggs in a single layer. Add cold water until the water is at least 1 inch above the eggs. Heat uncovered on high heat until water boils. Remove the saucepan from the heat. Cover with lid; let stand 15 minutes. Immediately place eggs in cold water with ice cubes or run cold water over eggs until completely cooled.


2. To peel, gently tap each egg on the countertop until the entire shell is finely crackled. Roll gently between hands to loosen the shell.


3. Starting at the large end, peel the egg under cold running water to help remove the shell.



    • 4eggs


  • 1In a 2-quart saucepan, place the eggs in a single layer. Add enough cold water until it is at least 1 inch above the eggs. Heat uncovered to boiling over high heat. Remove the saucepan from the heat. Cover with lid; let stand 15 minutes.
  • 2Immediately pour off the hot water from the eggs, then run cool water over them in the saucepan until completely cool.
  • 3Tap each egg lightly on the kitchen counter to crackle the shell. Roll the egg between your hands to loosen the shell, then peel starting at the large end. If the shell is hard to peel, hold egg under cold water while peeling.

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Other Helpful Tips for Making Hard-Boiled Eggs

  • Store eggs in the refrigerator in the original carton on a shelf, not on the door. Use eggs that have clean, uncracked shells. Don’t wash eggs before storing or using them.
  • Always cook eggs until both yolk and white are firm, not runny. The temperature in the center of the egg should be 160˚F.
  • Soft-cooked eggs are not recommended as they do not reach 160˚F. Avoid keeping hard-cooked eggs at room temperature for more than 2 hours. If you do, don’t eat the eggs.

A Twist on Hard-Boiled Eggs

Perfect for an appetizer or a side to any cookout, try out these fun and delicious twists on hard-boiled eggs. Deviled Eggs are not only easy but always a crowd-pleaser.