When you go to the grocery store, you might be surprised by how many types of eggs you see. From brown to white, cage-free to omega-3 here’s what you need to know when purchasing eggs to hard-boil. Eggs also come in five sizes: small, medium, large, extra-large and jumbo. Typically, a large egg is the most common in everyday uses.
Brown: Brown eggs come from chickens, just like white eggs do. The difference is just in the coloring of the hen, with brown hens laying brown eggs and white hens laying white eggs (though there are rare exceptions).
Cage-free: Cage-free eggs refer to where the hens are kept. Cage-free usually indicates hens who have been living in an open barn setting (and not kept directly within a cage).
Omega-3: Omega-3 eggs refer to eggs that were laid by a hen who had been fed omega-3-enriched feed. Omega-3s are fatty acids that are good or important for some of your body’s functions.
You can use any of these egg varieties when hard-boiling your eggs.