For some of us, a family holiday party without a big honkin’ bowl of homemade Chex party mix is like a tree without trimmings, a gift without a bow, Santa without a beard. In other words, unacceptable! While some can boast the ownership of original secret family recipes for a Chex-laden snack mix, a lot of you, like my family, stick to the retro recipe passed on to us by our grandmas, great-aunts and the like, sourced originally from the back of the Chex cereal box. Devoured by the bowl-full at parties and potlucks for the past 60-plus years, the addictive savory-salty-crunchy snack mix recipe has evolved over time, first with the addition of pretzel sticks and then bagel chips. The original “original” recipe the McAndrews stick to is a bit simpler, with mixed nuts being the only addition to the combination of Chex cereals and seasoned butter.