Growing up, I was the kid who dreaded dinners from a slow cooker. Coming home from school, seeing the slow cooker put me in a foul mood. I wasn’t a fan of roast and potatoes, which were what usually came out of the slow cooker. I have since changed my tune about my distaste for this kitchen appliance because of all the amazing things you can do with it (including roast and potatoes)…and the delicious results! My new favorite? Cake! Taking my favorite flavors in a s’more, I came up with this gooey fudgy delicious cake!
First, grab a box of Betty Crocker® cake mix….chocolate of course!
Pour cake mix into slow cooker that you have sprayed with cooking spray. Cover; cook on high setting for 2 to 2 1/2 hours or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean.
Turn off slow cooker, and sprinkle marshmallows and chocolate chips over top of cake. Cover 10 minutes.