What crops are big in your area this season? You can always tell which crops are doing best by what you see the most of at the farmers markets, in gardens and in CSA boxes. Here’s what to do when you are overwhelmed with bumper crops:
Greens (kale, Swiss chard, mustard greens, beet greens, etc.)
- Sauteed greens are a great standby. Mince some garlic and cook in olive oil for a minute. Add the greens and toss well. Cook until wilted. Easy as can be!
- Many greens are also delicious served raw in salads. Be sure to wash them well. And if it’s a tougher green like kale, rub it with salt and let it sit for 30 minutes before rinsing and preparing your salad.
- Replace the basil in your favorite pesto recipe with greens. It’s delicious, and you can freeze the results for wintertime.
- Raw summer squash and zucchini are great in salads. Just slice and enjoy!
- These raw veggies are also amazing in wraps. Slice them thinly and add to your favorite combination.
- Grate summer squash and zucchini and freeze it for winter.
- Add grated summer squash or zucchini to the batter of your favorite breads and cakes. It makes them super moist without adding flavor.
- Most squash are delicious in a pureed soup.
- Keep sliced peppers in your fridge for snacking on with hummus or for using in salads and sandwiches.
- Stuffed peppers are a delicious classic. Make yours for dinner when you have lots to use.