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Ask Betty: Lemons and Limes

Created January 10, 2017
How do you squeeze the most juice out of a fresh lemon or lime?

Follow the top tips on tart and tangy, juicy lemons and limes:

  • Room-temperature lemons and limes yield more juice.
  • Before squeezing lemon or limess, roll the back and forth on the counter several times with firm pressure, which helps to burst the cells holding the juice.
  • If you’re in a hurry and need to use straight from the fridge, zap whole lemons or limes in the microwave on High for about 20 seconds to warm them up.
  • One medium lemon or lime should give you about 2 to 3 tablespoons of juice.
  • You can freeze extra juice for up to several months. You might want to freeze in one-tablespoon quantities for easy use in recipes.  Small amounts thaw quickly.
  • You will get about 1 tablespoon zest from an average lemon.
  • Freeze extra zest in a resealable freezer bag for several months.
  • If you will be using both the zest and juice, remove the zest before cutting and juicing the lemon or lime.