1. How long was Rainbow Chip on the shelf? We launched Rainbow Chip in the mid-1980’s and discontinued the product in the summer of 2013. It will have been out of stock for about 2 years.
2. Why was Rainbow Chip discontinued? We discontinued Rainbow Chip because we believed that consumers wanted the chips on top, not in the frosting. But, we heard people loud and clear that chips in the frosting are what make Rainbow Chip unique, and there is no substitute! We were blown away by the passion to bring Rainbow Chip back, and we’ve been working hard to make that happen.
3. Why are you now bringing Rainbow Chip back? Because we heard consumers loud and clear, and you told us you missed it and you wanted it back! We realized there really is no other frosting quite like Rainbow Chip, and we worked very hard to bring it back.
4. When will Rainbow Chip be back in stores? We expect Rainbow Chip to be in Safeway, Target and Walmart stores by late June and nationally by the beginning of August. You can also purchase Rainbow Chip on Amazon.com by the case (8 tubs of frosting) starting in mid-June. We are creating a store locator so that you can find Rainbow Chip at a store near you!
5. Where can I find Rainbow Chip and how will it be priced? Rainbow Chip will retail at around $1.99, and will be priced similarly to other Betty Crocker frostings. Depending on the store near you, that price may be higher or lower.
6. The packaging looks different than I remember. What’s changed? We realized that consumers were having a hard time finding Rainbow Chip on the shelf, and we really wanted the product to stand out when we brought it back. The new packaging says “Rainbow Chip” in bright, rainbow-colored letters right in the middle of the package. We think it’s as fun as the product inside, and hope you agree.
7. What are you doing to support the re-launch of Rainbow Chip? There are many great ways for you to get involved in the re-launch of Rainbow Chip! We are hosting a sweepstakes that will launch on May 22nd and run through June 11th, where 100 lucky Facebook fans will be selected to receive a prize package from Betty Crocker, which includes Rainbow Chip frosting. Because Rainbow Chip is not yet in stores, these will be the first fans in the country to get the frosting. We will also be providing social fans with birthday re-dos, which is intended to be a simple but fun way to celebrate our advocates and make up for the birthdays that haven’t been the same since the discontinuation of the frosting.
8. Where did Rainbow Sprinkle go and where can I find it? In order to make room for Rainbow Chip, we had to swap out Rainbow Sprinkle. You may see Rainbow Sprinkle on shelves through the end of July and into August, but all grocery stores will be replacing Rainbow Sprinkle with Rainbow Chip eventually.
9. Why are you doing birthday re-dos? One of the most popular comments we heard from consumers was “my birthday is ruined without Rainbow Chip!” Consumers told us their birthdays weren’t complete without Rainbow Chip, so we wanted an opportunity to make it up to them with a birthday “re-do”.
10. Why did you choose to feature Benjamin Johnson? What did he do? Benjamin Johnson was one of the most vocal “champions” of Rainbow Chip. He started a Change.Org campaign that received almost 7,000 signatures, and this really got our attention. We received feedback from so many people who love Rainbow Chip, and we felt that Benjamin did a great job of representing that passion.
11. How is Katy Perry involved in this? We received a tweet from Katy Perry last year telling us that we ruined her birthday. It turns out Katy Perry is a big fan, and we wanted to let her know that we’re bringing back her favorite frosting!