All About Rotisserie Chicken
The only thing that might ruffle your feathers is trying to decide what flavor of rotisserie chicken to buy. It comes plain, of course, but flavors such as lemon herb, barbecue, and garlic can add a touch of pizzazz. The flavor is mainly on the skin, so you can use the meat from any flavored chicken for any recipe.
Handling Rotisserie Chicken Safely
Pick up your rotisserie chicken as the last item on your shopping list. Be sure the chicken is hot when you select it from the heated case. Follow the same food-safety guidelines as for all foods: Keep foods hot, which is 140ºF or warmer, and always refrigerate the chicken within 2 hours of purchasing (1 hour when the air temperature is above 90ºF).
If you are going to use the chicken for a recipe, remove the meat from the bones, cut it up and use it immediately. To use later in a recipe or if you have leftovers, cut the meat from the bones into small pieces, place in a resealable plastic food-storage bag or container with a cover, and refrigerate for use within 4 days. Or place in a freezer container with a cover or in a resealable plastic freezer bag and freeze up to 4 months. Thaw frozen cooked chicken in the refrigerator.
How Much Rotisserie Chicken?
The size of rotisserie chickens does vary. An average weight for a rotisserie chicken is about 2 pounds (32 ounces). You will get the following amount of cut-up meat from a 2-pound chicken:
Whole Chicken = 3 Cups
White Meat Only = 2 cups
Dark Meat Only = 1 cup
Carving Your Rotisserie Chicken
Use a sharp knife and a meat fork for best results - safely - when carving. A carving knife works best because it has a long, curved blade. A meat fork has a long handle and two tines. While carving, keep the chicken from moving by holding it in place with a meat fork. Carve on a stable cutting suface, such as a cutting board, meat carving board or platter catch the juices.
- Place the chicken, breast up and with its legs to your right if you're right-handed or to the left if left-handed.
- While gently pulling the leg and thigh away from the body, cut through the joint between the leg and body. Separate the drumstick and thigh by cutting down through the connecting joint.
- Make a deep horizontal cut into the breast just above the wing joint.
- Carve thin slices down the horizontal cut, working from the outer edge of the breast to the center.
- While gently pulling the wing away from the body, cut through the joint between wing and body.
- Repeat steps on the other side of the chicken.