These bow-topped treats will take center stage on your party table. Best part is, they are as easy to make as they are cute! Here’s how to do it.
What You’ll Need:
How to:
1. For one dozen cupcakes, you’ll need about 8 rolls of Fruit by the Foot. Unroll the snacks and remove them from the plastic backing.
2. Fold a length of the fruit snack onto itself and hold it in the center. You can make the bows as large or as small as you wish, just be sure to buy extra fruit snacks if you plan to make extra-large bows. Here I’ve used a 6-inch length for demonstration purposes.
3. Snip away the excess with kitchen scissors. Separate one of the fruit snacks by the perforations, and have a small piece ready at hand. Lay the bow flat and pinch it in the center, so that the fruit snack gathers in the middle.
4. Place a drop of water on the back of the bow. I used a small paint brush but you could also dot the water on with a finger. Wrap the smaller piece around the middle of the bow and pinch it tightly. Hold until the water adheres the fruit snacks together, about 1 minute. Snip away excess with kitchen scissors.
5. Place the bows on top of frosted cupcakes. Ta-da!