As the self-professed king of the fryer, there was no hesitation when the folks from Betty Crocker asked me about deep-frying something. I’ll admit I was a bit skeptical when I heard my mission was to fry up Totino’s new Bold pizza rolls, but of course, I jumped at the chance. What I found was that this quick and easy snack is absolutely ideal for deep-frying. It even left me wondering why I hadn’t come up with this idea myself! The pizza rolls cook up with a crispy crunch that you just don’t get with the traditional methods of heating them in the oven and microwave.
To start, pour two to three inches of vegetable oil in the bottom of a two-quart heavy saucepan or Dutch oven. (You can also do this in a deep fryer, if you have one.) Heat the oil until it reaches 375° F.
Carefully drop four to six pizza rolls into the oil. Fry them for two to three minutes, or until golden brown. You may have to adjust your heat to keep the oil at the correct temperature. Once the rolls float to the top, watch them carefully. If the oil starts popping, more than likely one of the rolls has burst open and the cheese is running out. This causes a lot of grease splatter, so you’ll want to remove the split roll immediately if this happens.
Drain them on a plate lined with paper towels. The filling will be very hot, so be sure to wait at least a couple minutes before popping them into your mouth. I served this batch with Ranch dressing and ketchup on the side.