Nothing lasts forever, slow cookers included. Look out for these signs that it’s time to replace your slow cooker.
- If food isn’t getting up to temperature or cooking through in an appropriate amount of time, it may be spending too long in the danger zone for bacteria growth (40° and 140°F), which means your slow cooker now poses a food safety risk—time for a new one!
- If there are hot spots where food tends to stick and burn, it’s probably time to replace your slow cooker.
- If the electrical cord is frayed, waste no time—you’ve got a fire hazard on your hands.
If you’re reading this, you don’t need us to tell you that slow cookers can be wonderful time-saving devices, but that’s not all. They can turn out absolutely delicious food, if you know what what they’re good at—find out the Best (and Worst) Foods to Cook in Your Slow Cooker.