I love having a cute party favor for the kids to take home filled with goodies. These little Minions are so fun and really simple to make.
What you’ll need:
- Small glass jars
- Yellow spray paint
- Googly eyes
- Cardstock
- Hot glue gun and glue
How to:
1. Round up some old baby food jars. Once I found the perfect yellow-colored spray paint, I was ready to begin. Start by adding two coats of yellow spray paint, letting the first coat dry completely before starting on the second. Let the paint dry at least 15 minutes before adding your googles and facial details.
2. Cut a thin strip of black cardstock for the band around your goggles.
3. Now it’s time to make the eyes! Using the same cardstock, trace a circle a little bigger than your googly eyes and cut it out. Add a little hot glue to the center and firmly press your googly eye on top.
4. For the goggles, add your black strip of cardstock around the jar and affix it to the jar with hot glue. Next, add your googly eyes with another small amount of hot glue. It’s starting to look like a little Minion!
5. For the perfect finishing touch, use a black permanent marker and added a mouth and hair at the top. For the teeth, I used a thin paint brush and white paint. All done! Now you have a perfect little Minion to fill up with goodies!